Hi I started today to port the program to MAC OS. Here is a screenshot of Laziza for MAC using gtk library: http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=177616 The main functions are working, I need to focus the work on two points : - A way to execute JSFL's on mac Problem : I don't have a flash's licence for mac :/ I assume the command is something like ' open -a /path/Flash /path/command.jsfl ' unfortunately I can't test, neither jsfl nor return codes. - gtk to carbon interface I want to build a mac-friendly version of Laziza, using carbon libraries, mainly to open the program with a double-click. Gtk works (see above screenshot) but carbon needs more work and search to integrate the app into the finder's desktop. For those two reasons, and because I'm not sure that someone will use a day this program with flash on mac, I made this part of the project in standby and start working on a nice gtk2 client for linux. -- Sébastien Ballesté-Antich